The Celtic League have issued the following press release in support of Tony Leamon. As will be seen another video has been produced, where Tony speaks about his experience of being held on bail for almost 10 months.
Even though the video shows that Tony has kept a sense of humour, the strain he is under is also evident.
Press release below:
Celtic League campaigner and Kernow branch treasurer Tony Leamon, will be appearing for at Camborne police station this Wednesday (2nd July 2008) to answer his bail, almost 10 months after he was first arrested on 6th September 2007 on suspicion of terrorism.
To give support to other victims of the British state's over enthusiastic use of anti terrorist legislation, Mr Leamon has made a short video film of himself, for the Celtic League, to rely some of his feelings of having been on police bail for this extended period of time. As will be seen from the video footage, Mr Leamon is in good spirits and has kept his sense of humour throughout, despite a very low period earlier this year when the pressure of the ordeal drove him to make
a suicide attempt.
The Celtic League has been campaigning on Mr Leamon's behalf since his arrest and the arrest of other members of the Cornish cultural and political movement at the same time. Mr Leamon, along with all of the other people arrested, were perplexed as to why the police had picked on them as part of the police investigation into the Cornish National Liberation Army/Cornish Republican Army. Needless to say Mr Leamon and the other people arrested all maintained their innocence and denied ever having taken part in any criminal activity in the furtherance of their beliefs. With no or little evidence to go on, the police had to release the other arrestees from their bail and now it is only Mr Leamon who has been kept hanging on.
Mr Leamon has been due to answer his bail on 3 separate occasions (not including his arrest), but each time, after lengthy periods of questioning, his bail has only been extended further. Now Mr Leamon is hoping that Wednesday will be the forth and final time he will have to visit Camborne police station on this matter.
The Kernow Branch of the League are planning to hold a protest outside Camborne police station on the afternoon of the 2nd July and are requesting that all his supporters who are able to attend the protest to turn up at just before 1500. Those who are unable to attend the protest are encouraged to phone the Devon and Cornwall Police central number on 0044 (0) 8452 777444 (remember to include the 0 if phoning from the UK) and ask to be put through to Camborne police station, regarding Tony Leamon, not forgetting to state where you are calling from. Alternatively, emails can be sent to Police.Enquiries@... with the same message of support. Supporters are requested to enquire after Mr Leamon's welfare, who is registered disabled and has a debilitating disease.
If Mr Leamon is bailed once again, he may have to forfeit attendance at the Celtic League's AGM - due to be held in Dublin on August 16th 2008 - in accordance with his bail restrictions. If this is the case or if Mr Leamon is charged, the League may hold a protest outside the British Embassy in Dublin on the weekend of the AGM.
The Tony Leamon video link can be found below:
J B Moffatt
Director of Information
Celtic League