In a show of inter-Celtic solidarity, someone from Wales sent an email to the CPW team with a poem they had written dedicated to Tony Leamon. Leamon is one of the activists who was arrested as part of the Devon and Cornwall Police crackdown on Cornish cultural and political activists last year.
After reading the poem, I was reminded of an article in a newspaper I read last week about the Spanish poet Marcos Ana. Ana was the voice of persecuted Spain under Franco and spent many years in prison for his Communist beliefs. What Ana said in the article is quite appropriate here I think:
“Solidarity is the most beautiful and the most necessary word these days. This world is very unfair and something has got to give. Many young people know that another world is possible.”
Leamon too was arrested for his beliefs and knows that another world is possible.
Dedicated to Tony from a Supporter in Wales
There’s a man I’d like to meet, Tony Leamon is his name
He’s the one in Kernow the Colonial Police want to frame
A very brave Cornishman he is, as Celtic as me and you
And although much persecuted, the views he holds are true
This great big generous Falmouth boy travels everywhere on a bus
He’s the Cornish terrorist you know, the one they want to bust
He’s read a John Angarrack book, you see, this but one of his crimes
And for that the foreign Chief of Police wants the man to do his time
He dares to fly many St. Piran’s flags in his homeland too
And through English eyes this makes him a criminal right through
His father’s an old war vet, with English medals cross his chest
But now this counts for nothing, for being Cornish is second best
He speaks the Cornish Language, another very suspicious sign
The way things are going, they’ll make it a fixed penalty fine
He uses the email system, mobile phones and the internet
Most odd for a Cornish lad who they assume weak of head
So when the armoured and armed Colonial boys on his door did beat
Little did poor old Tony know, he’d be off for the custody suite
They refused to call him Cornish, West Country was their best
And through hours of interrogation, he failed to pass their test
There’s no such thing as Cornish and you’re a criminal they implied
And those who’ve told you otherwise have spoken naught but lies
And although he fights with cancer, and battles with the pain
Tony Leamon’s a man of Celtic steel, not for him to be lame
And from all around the whole wide world, from both far and near
Came message of support, offers of cash, and greetings of good cheer
For this honest Celtic lad, the Colonial Police can’t just let him be
Born a Cornishman his only crime to be an activist and to disagree
This is a sketch of Marcos Ana in his police cell writing poetry. Is that a Cornish flag on the wall?
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