Friday 8 February 2008

Devon and Cornwall police investigation continues to cause misery

The following post highlights the stress and pressure that some people in the Cornish movement are under following what can only be described as police intimidation and psychological manipulation.

The following case raises several pertinent questions:

• How long can police bail last, without charges being brought against the ‘defendant’?
• How many times can a ‘defendant’ answer police bail?
• Shouldn’t the police be held accountable, if no charges are ever brought against the ‘defendant’, for the stress and ill health caused in waiting to answer their police bail over extended periods of time?
• At every police bail hearing should the ‘defendant’ be interrogated, as in the situation below, for 10 hours at a time?

Devon and Cornwall police should be forced to explain their methods!

Source: Cornwall24
Author: Celt.aid

The misery caused following his arrest on 6th September, 2007 on grounds of involvement in alleged terrorist activities in Cornwall and then continued renewal of police bail for a period of seven months is now causing real medical problems and life threatening illness to KBM*, a member of An Kesunyans Keltek - Scoren Kernewek (The Cornish Branch of the Celtic League).

KBM who denies fully any involvement in such activities although admitting to taking part in lawful and peaceful protest in respect of the Celtic Cornish people continues to receive worldwide support from as far afield at New Mexico and Australia as well as from closer to home.

Following atrocious treatment at the hands of the police who have forcefully interrogated him for many hours on two occasions, KBM continues to look after his 94 year old father, a decorated war veteran and his elderly mother who has just had a double mastectomy due to cancer.

In addition, he continues to personally battle with leukaemia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.) is heavily medicated due to the abnormally prolonged investigative bail and constant interrogations and has attempted to take his own life following a downturn in his health and despair caused.

KBM has authorised his doctor to make public the effects that the extraordinary period of bail has had. An excerpt from the Doctor's report to a Psychiatric Counsellor is reproduced hereunder:

“(KBM) consulted me on the 24th January with a history of depression. He has been feeling increasingly stressed over the past few months due to his involvement with the police and also due to medical problems with family members. He also has financial worries at present. He reported that a week ago he attempted suicide by drinking 2 bottles of whiskey, and taking some tablets. He has also attempted suicide in the past.
He has a history of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.) combined with leukaemia.
He has commenced on anti depressant medication and has also been referred to the practice counsellor.”

KBM has said, "I will tell the truth about the Cornish people, even it is detrimental to my case -better to be dammed for the truth, than to live a lie, stand by my beliefs against all comers, and fight for those that cannot fight for themselves. I have friends who consider my life one of pain free luxury. There are millions, probably billions who stand higher than me on a daily basis although I am a pacifist. I am being persecuted for being Celtic and Cornish."

KBM is due to again attend the police station at the end of March, 2008 when a decision is expected by both the Crown Prosecution Service and Devon & Cornwall Police on whether he will be charged.

It is ironic indeed, that Devon & Cornwall Police are themselves under investigation for all manner of security breaches which add to the already lengthy list of complaints against and investigations into the Force. Many are growing increasingly critical of a widening chasm between police and public in Cornwall and of the Force's increasingly armed and authoritarian methods which cause terror and distress to many Cornish people.

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